On Thursday the Junior Joeys has a sleep out to raise awareness of people what are 25 years and younger or older who don't have a home.
Lots of people don't realise that they are really lucky, they take lots of things for granted such as food on their plate, education. Lots of kids say they hate going to school, but there are kids who would do anything to have an education.
Have you heard about Malala the girl who was shot just because she wanted girls in her country to be allowed to go to school.
The Junior Joeys split into small groups and made posters about homelessness. Each of the groups helped the others once they finished with their part of the poster. The posters had facts and pictures on poverty.
When people throw away clothes or boxes they don't need, they don't realise that homeless people could make a lot of use out of it. Almost everything we throw away could be used by a person without a home.
By Holly Lamprey (6B)